Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fourth Row

I hadn’t screamed that loud since summer 2000. And even then at Leslie Cheung’s world tour, I refrained from jumping up and down too much in fear of making a scene tumbling down the inside of the Coliseum from my binocular seat ― so called because you need binoculars to actually see the performer.

This time, I made sure I felt every spit.

The plot isn’t the best, even boring at times; the punch lines are rarely funny; and the dancers aren’t synchronized enough to create the theatrical effect I’d expected to see. But the phenomenon known as We Will Rock You is every bit Queen.

While no-one can replicate the charisma of the Freddie Mercury (duh), MiG Ayesa was so fantastic in the lead role that had they allowed alcohol in the venue I would’ve thrown my panties on stage.

I went on a Sunday night and was surprised to find that it wasn’t a full house. What a waste. They’re here till the 22nd, so if you haven’t already, go!

Next month, I’ll be in my fourth-row seat at the Cirque Theater in Venetian Macau for Cirque du Soleil’s first permanent show in Asia. I have a feeling I’ll be visiting Macau a lot more often from now on.

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