Sunday, October 26, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

I’m absolutely thrilled to hear that C and T have decided to tie the knot next year. But I gotta admit I’m even more excited at this perfect excuse to set foot in Toronto again for the first time in seven years. I’m going to take as many days off as work would allow, and spend as much time as I can roaming around Toronto, New York, and wherever else I can afford to travel.

Seven years is a long time to be in Hong Kong. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t done with this land of imbalance ― imbalance between the population and space availability, work hours and leisure time, workload and salary, rent and square-footage, days with pleasant weather and days of unbearable heat/humidity.

It was a good thing my mom’d been so eager to kick me out. If I wasn’t forced to pack up all my belongings from her apartment, I would’ve still thought I’d lost my Canadian passport, citizenship card and driver’s license. Now I just gotta renew my documents and my exit strategy would be half ready.

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