Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Lust, Caution

Forget the Chinese Communist Party Congress, or the infamous haircut Anson Chan ditched a democracy rally to get. Besides that 30,000 mark the Hang Sang index wouldn't stop flirting with, Tony Leung's balls are the talk of the town.

I've always liked Tony Leung, not just for his looks, but because he's one of the very few in Hong Kong who manages (in most films anyway) to convince me to really see him as the character he's playing and not the actor who's trying so hard to do his job well.

Seven years ago, I took a summer job in Central. On my way back to the office from lunch one day, I stopped in front of The Galleria waiting to cross the street. The traffic was always a little congested on Ice House Street, and thank God that it was. There, in front of me a black Mercedes came to a stop. The window was rolled down on the left side of the back seat. Looking out the window, or staring at the blank while facing out rather, was Tony Leung. For a few seconds, just until traffic moved again, I was no more than two feet away from Tony Leung, whose eyes, without even trying, were more mesmerizing than I've ever seen them again.

So despite what J thinks, I didn't watch Lust, Caution to see Tony Leung's balls. It's his eyes that are like no others'.

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