Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Finished season 3 of Grey’s Anatomy this past weekend. Sadly, I think this is where I’ll stop. I was hooked on the show for the doctors' passion for saving lives and the pretend doctors' eagerness to learn (I’ve had enough first-hand experience to say that interns are NOT real doctors). I remember watching some of the first episodes and wishing I worked with people like that. But having become the hit series it is, the producers just had to throw in the complicated love/lust relationships and pollute what sheer adrenaline the show used to bring. So it’s goodbye to the Nazi and onto the next TV series.

I’m hoping to get answers to at least one of these questions:

1. How does one avoid becoming a DVD junkie in a place such as Hong Kong where there’s no good TV to watch and even less good bad TV?

2. What’s a good series to watch after Grey’s Anatomy?

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